Birmingham Petrol Prices

Birmingham Petrol Prices

Birmingham is the second largest city in the UK with a population of nearly 1million. Most of those residents will own and drive a car, and so will probably want to know the price of petrol in and around birmingham.

The table below gives the average price for Unleaded, Diesel and LPG petrol for the last 30 days in Birmingham, and compares it to the average price of petrol in the UK.

Birmingham Petrol Prices Vs UK Petrol Prices

Petrol Type
Rest of UK

Map of Petrol Stations in Birmingham.

The map below gives the location of all petrol stations in Birmingham and shows the latest petrol price (where available). If you live in the birmingham area please help us by filling in the price of petrol for any stations that you drive past or visit.

Birmingham has a large variety of petrol stations, but does have a decent number of Texaco garages when compared to the rest of the UK It also has a pretty reasonably number of independant garages as well as the usual brand of Shell, Total, Tesco, Asda, BP etc.



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