Leeds Petrol Prices

The table below shows the price of Unleaded, Diesel and LPG petrol compared to the rest of the UK. Leeds is the 5th largest city in the UK and as such is a large consumer of all 3 major types of petrol. The price of petrol in Leeds tends to be slightly lower than the rest of the UK, however this does fluctuate and depends a great deal on market forces.

Petrol Type
Rest of UK

Map of Petrol Stations in Leeds.

The map below shows the Petrol Prices and Petrol Stations in the city of Leeds. Please help us at whatgas.com by updating any petrol prices in Leeds, or elsewhere in the UK. If we all update a couple of petrol prices a week then everyone will benefit.

There are suprisingly few petrol stations right in the centre of leeds, with an Esso garage being the closest to the city centre. There are very few supermarket petrol stations as well, with only two Morrisons close to the city centre, whilst Sainsburys and Tesco petrol stations can be found on the outskirts of Leeds.



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